Hello all!
If you’re free on Oct 18th @ 11am PST:
- buy yourself a pumpkin spice latte,
- turn on the laptop and
- come watch 5 young startups pitch their heart out.
Last June, 800 of you tuned into LOI’s demo day. But this year SmartSweets founder Tara Bosch has joined the investor panel.
Tara isn't your average founder. She's an LOI alumni that took her startup idea literally from the kitchen table to ~20,000 locations across North America and recently exited for nearly ~$400 million.

SO don't miss the opportunity to come hear 4 young startups pitch Tara Bosch, Manny Padda, Melissa Allen, and Ryan Holmes on Oct 18th at 11am PST. Instead of watching Dragon's Den on TV, come and be a part of LOI Demo Day in real time where you can leave comments and request introductions to meet with the startup early on in their journey.
The MC script is being finalized and the 4 startups are being announced shortly. Do not miss out in joining this event, please RSVP by clicking here: https://bit.ly/loipitchoct2022
The big day is 3 weeks away and we’d love to see you there. RSVP by smashing that yellow button below.